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Results for "author_first: "Philip ", author_last: "Goldberg", latest_content: 1"
Learning how to swim Learning how to swim
The larger the island of knowledge The larger the island of knowledge
We just walk with each other We just walk with each other
American Veda A map of the amazing, expansive, and eclectic impact of the Indian Vedic tradition in America.
Live at the empty heart of paradox Live at the empty heart of paradox
The Bhagavad Gita: Yoga's Essence Teachings that capture the central teachings of the Gita and the essence of Hinduism’s universal precepts.
Roadsigns Philip Goldberg with a sane and helpful overview of spiritual seeking in our time.
Making Peace with God Harold Bloomfield and Philip Goldberg's teaching story about God's desire for us to live in joy and beauty.
Roadsigns A wise and practical set of "travel tips" to guide spiritual seekers.
Making Peace with God Explores the challenges and rewards of establishing a mature relationship with the Divine Source of Being.